Phew! Planning 2024

I just clicked all the buttons to make our 2024 retreat pages live! Planning for an entire year in advance has been both thrilling and such a challenge. Our first retreat in Whitefish, MT was nearly a year ago, and we have done three more since then. Frankly, the most fun we’ve ever had. But we’ve never been in planning stages for more than two at a time, so three all at once is definitely pushing our boundaries! But we had to do it - we are just so excited for this next year!

We are starting off back at Dog Creek Lodge, MT in late January. We know that we will need a refresher after recovering from the holiday rush, and we are hoping you will join us. We will be talking Prevention & Wellness for the Winter Athlete, and will also be joined by Zuzana Rogers, PT, ScD, SCS, who will be bringing her years of experience working with elite-level winter athletes, including the US Ski Team. She will also be leading on-snow XC ski clinics both Saturday and Sunday, geared toward understanding the mechanics and potential pathomechanics of XC skiing through experience. And then you’ll have a few hours to practice and explore the nearly 30k of freshly-groomed trails! Cody Moore, RD will also be joining us as in-house chef, and will chime in when we talk nutrition and fueling.

We are headed somewhere new for our spring retreat. Here in Montana things can be really muddy in early spring, and running can be such a slog. So we are headed south for an early April pick-me-up! We’ll be in a beautiful villa in Scottsdale, AZ for some trail running and hiking with Alpine Running Guides. The house is absolutely gorgeous, and we are so looking forward to that pool and the fire pit! We’ll be discussing Prevention & Wellness for the Running Athlete, which we’ve taught twice now and had some amazing feedback. We’re talking LEA/RED-S, uncovering biases, nutrition, fueling for performance and recovery, cardiopulmonary considerations through the lifespan (including running in wildfire smoke), and GI issues so many runners encounter. Cody Moore, RD will be joining us again as well, as in-house chef and to bring his expertise as a sports dietician and running coach.

We’re returning to a favorite in the summer though! We’ll be in Suncadia, WA, just east of Snoqualmie Pass, just at the beginning of June. Need some time away before the kids get out of school? Yep, we do too! We were here this past May as well, and it was so lovely that we had to come back. This time, though, we’ll be talking about Navigating Nutrition as a Physical Therapist. We developed this content with Cody Moore, RD, utilizing his experience as both a sports RD and a hospital-based clinical dietician working with rural folks in northwestern Montana. We are so excited to deep-dive into nutrition - and not just the nuts and bolts of macronutrients and micronutrients. We’ll be talking about scope of practice, special populations, what “healthy eating” means and how it changes through the lifespan and in different conditions, and how to actually talk with our patients about nutrition without being condescending or asking them to do the impossible. And then we’ll also frolic through the Cascades with Alpine Running Guides, jump in the lake afterward, and lounge in the hot tub in the evening!

So that’s our year - so far! We are planning for a fall retreat as well, and it will be special. Can’t say much until we have everything finalized, but keep your eyes peeled and ears open! We are hoping to announce it by the end of this month!


Dog Creek Musings