Dog Creek Musings

We just got back from our second retreat, and while I’m exhausted, I’m exhilarated. It’s nice to know that something works, that the first time wasn’t just a fluke. For this retreat, we didn’t have a specific all-together group activity - rather than work with a guide, we stayed at Dog Creek Lodge, with its 28k of groomed XC ski trails, and scheduled plenty of time during the day to allow people to play and connect within that play.

I was a bit nervous, to be completely honest. I really loved the deep connection from everyone doing the same activity and physically challenging ourselves together. But while this retreat was certainly different, it wasn’t inferior! It was fantastic! It was so lovely to meet a fellow retreater around a corner, to stop and hear what they had been thinking about in relation to the morning’s discussions, and to have a bit more choice of where to go and when to rest. It was perfect for a mid-winter getaway.

And the connection certainly didn’t suffer! I had several of our participants approach me to express how much they appreciated the chance to really get to know the other participants. We had one group that came together as a mini-PT school reunion, and they were able to connect with each other and with the rest as well. So many phone numbers exchanged!

All this is to say - we are so excited to do this again!


Phew! Planning 2024


Waking Up